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We are a diverse and intimate community that inspires and leads your children inside the classroom as well as outside the school. We prompt our students to be entrepreneurs and develop critical thinking, in order to achieve a lifetime impact to society.


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We enhance passion, empathy and integrity.

By teaching empathy:

The students understand other cultures, are accepting and resilient.

We create an important and special place for our student's families.

Kids that can count on involved parents:

Have a 27% chance on reaching higher achievements.

We look for the holistic approach through 'An Education For Life'.

Students that receive a holistic education are:

Better citizens and more responsible.

We respect individuality and the kid's chosen lifestyle.

Students that receive a personalised education:

Have a 46% chance to become more professionally stable.

We offer non-traditional classes and teaching methods.

Kids that learn through non-traditional methods:

Obtain better learning habits and critical thinking.

We encourage entrepreneurship through alliances and interdisciplinary work.

We promote early notions of entrepreneurship in infancy and adolescence.

Students develop abilities and soft competencies.

Bolstering knowledge.

Through liberal arts classes, we strengthen the kids' creativity and talent.

Boosting creativity generates:

Effective communication.

Maximum expression.

We help stimulate environmental consciousness.

After students receive environmental education:

80% of the students become interested in the environment.

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We encourage determination and positive emotions.


Thought and actions go together with respect; putting oneself in others' shoes and strengthening relationships.


Loyalty, righteousness, honesty and fortitude. Forming people capable of making change in the world.


A supportive network which allows us to compliment, reinforce and encourage positive values already existing in the student.

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• We are a member of the United Nations Global Compact and we promote respect for universal human rights, labour and environmental standards and the fight against corruption. We are part of the Ecuadorian Social Responsibility Consortium.

• We encourage volunteering alongside our sister schools. We host various events organized by the Quito city Council and the autonomous decentralized council of Tumbaco. Each month we organize free lectures for the surrounding community geared towards the upbringing of children.

• We promote sustainability through non-traditional classes, teaching the care for natural resources and permanent RRR campaigns. 


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Forming human beings through standards of excellence, education in values in a safe and familiar environment. Passionate, empathetic and integral leaders, committed to society and the environment.


Generating a positive impact nationwide and internationally, through academic excellence and positive contribution to society.

Quality Policy

The Shakespeare School educates kids and teens with ethical principals, high morals and the necessary skills to succeed.
We promote innovating projects with social and environmental leads.
We aspire to satisfy and exceed our clients needs and expectations, to be recognised nationwide and internationally for our academic excellence and contribution to the community.
We meet the customer's requirements, legal terms and applicable norms and those applying to the organization. 

Quality management

The Shakespeare School offers bilingual education to children and teens, considering the external and internal issues that are found in their SWOT and the needs and expectations of the interested parties. 
All processes determined by the organization and all the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015 are applicable to our scope. It promotes innovative projects of social and environmental nature, for the continuous improvement of its processes.
We aspire to satisfy and exceed the needs of our clients and to be recognized nationwide and internationally for our academic excellence and responsible contribution to the community.
We meet the customer's requirements, legal terms and applicable norms and those applying to the organization.